Free call: +852 69993858
WhatsApp: +852 69993858
WeChat: meitongswang
Email: [email protected]
If you would not contact us with telephone, please send the email or leave the message on our Facebook, we will respond within 24 hours ( weekend 48 hours). In case of 48 hours without receiving any information from us, please check your spam mail filter.
Before Sending E-mail to Us
- If you already login and purchased from us, please contact us with your registered email.
In that case, you already placed an order, we will inform you the order ID with email.
- If you have any problem with reading online or filling the form. Please attached the copy of the original prescription script, picture or scan files, which are available.
Attention: please send your requirement of returns or the order modified by email. So that we would deal with it as soon as possible, without any delay, due to not receive your callings.
Please contact us first before your returns.